This kit adds much needed electronic cruise control to the big buffalo KTM 1190/1090/1050 Adventure bikes. This kit requires no splicing or cutting, just plug in and cruise. Works like it does in your car.
2013- 2017 1190 Adventure (S & R)
2017- 2019 1090 Adventure (S & R)
2015- 2016 1050 Adventure (S & R)
Choice of switch
Factory 890 Cruise Switch
We provide an OEM 890 switch adapted for use with the 1090/1190 connectors. The new menu buttons are much “clickier” and you get an OEM look. This switch has no hazard function. This switch also has no auto-cancel turn signal function (where equipped).
Wire length is suitable for stock configuration and small risers. Any bar risers will need a custom extension.
Backlight: A wiring harness with Molex 0522660211 and spade connectors is included for wiring up the switch back light.
Triple Button Switch
A 3 button switch for controlling the cruise functions is included. Fully watertight and durable. Mounts directly to standard 22mm handlebars with a fully opening bracket. This option provides 3 buttons.
Resume / Increase
SET/ Decrease
LED lights and other upgrade compatibility
This kit is 100% compatible with any aftermarket lights and kits. No wire splicing or messing with brake sensor wires.
Cruise Stop Conditions
We know it’s paramount on motorbikes to quickly kill the cruise control in as many situations as possible. Our module will disengage cruise control for any one of the following conditions:
Engine RPM rises above 8000
Front or Rear Brake Depressed
Clutch lever is pulled
Bike transmission is in first gear or neutral
Any one of the required CANBUS packets are not updated within 1000 milliseconds
A difference of 10% between the front and rear wheel speeds
The module has a weather tight USB-C connector for changing various settings such as speed increment size, PID gain, and throttle limits.
Install Difficulty
To install this kit you must remove the tank. About 1 -2 hours install time with proper tools. T-harness will override the throttle signals and diagnostic connector will collect important speed data.